Women4Green Impact Series #5: Is the Jewellery Industry Sustainable?

On 7 December 2018, we held our fifth W4G Impact Series, Is the Jewellery Industry Sustainable? The event examined the issue of whether the production of fine jewellery was sustainable, a rarely-discussed issue in this high-profile, multi-billion dollar industry. It brought together around 50 female entrepreneurs, corporate leaders, business professionals, green enthusiasts and a couple of gentlemen.

We invited two highly-experienced individuals to share their knowledge of the mine-to-market supply chain:

  • Michael and Achillea Koh, founders of Caratell Diamond, shared insights about sustainable business practices that can minimise impact on the environment as well as safeguard workers’ health and safety in the gemstone mining process;
  • Tanja Sadow, Dean of Jewellery Design and Management International School discussed the environmental impact of different types of raw materials (such as ivory, corals, gold) used in the jewellery business, and how consumers can influence social change and responsible business practices through the choices they make.

Besides benefitting from the thought-provoking talk, attendees also learned about Fugeelah School, a refuge for women and young children funded by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Through Fugeelah, this marginalised community learns craftsmanship, design and creation of accessories from artisans in Malaysia.  At this Women4Green event held at the Singapore Sustainability Academy, these handmade collections were showcased by JustGaya’s, an eco-conscious enterprise that gives back to society.

For more information on the Fugeelah School and Just Gaya’s sustainable practices, please refer to their respective sites below.


Just Gaya’s