CDL corporate policies provide guiding principles on business conduct and ethics that all employees and stakeholders across our value chain should practise to support CDL’s commitment to sustainability. To enhance transparency, the corporate policies and guidelines are publicly available on our corporate website (, dedicated sustainability microsite ( and staff intranet.

Relevant policies are disseminated to employees of CDL’s key subsidiaries and supply chain, where applicable. For employees in our subsidiaries outside of Singapore, the policies are translated into the required local languages.

Board Policies

Corporate Policies

Sustainability Policies

ESG Commitments

Board Diversity Policy

This Board Diversity Policy sets out the policy and framework for promoting diversity on the Board of Directors (“Board”) of CDL.

The Board recognises that a diverse Board is an important element which will better support the Company’s achievement of its strategic objectives for sustainable development by enhancing the decision-making process of the Board through the perspectives derived from the various skills, business experience, industry discipline, gender, age, ethnicity and culture, geographical background and nationalities, tenure of service and other distinguishing qualities of the Directors.

Click here to read our Board Diversity Policy.

Investor Relations Policy

CDL is committed to engaging our shareholders through regular, effective and fair communication, in compliance at all times with the requirements for disclosure of information in accordance with listing rules of the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (SGX-ST).

The Company’s Investor Relations (IR) department serves as an intermediary between the Company and our shareholders and the investment community. Through effective information disclosure and dialogue, CDL aims to further enhance our corporate transparency and maintain the trust of our stakeholders.

Click here to read our IR Policy.

WhistleBlowing Policy

Within the organisation, the commitment to conduct business with integrity and the highest ethical standards whilst complying with applicable laws and regulations is translated into cultivating the values of openness, integrity and accountability amongst all CDL employees. CDL has a Whistleblowing Policy to ensure that arrangements are in place to allow whistleblowers to raise concerns over a breach of these standards, highlight incidents of malpractice or wrongdoings within the Company.

This Policy applies to any suspected improprieties involving employees of the CDL Group except employees of subsidiaries that have their own audit or risk committees which have oversight of their whistleblowing programme.

Communication Channels to CDL Ethics Officer

Email: [email protected]
Calls From: Countries of Operations Toll-free numbers
Singapore 1-800-226-1706
China 400-120-2930
Thailand 001-800-658-293
United Kingdom 0800-404-9732
United States of America 1-833-795-0114


Postal address: CDL Ethics Officer
9 Raffles Place
#12-01 Republic Plaza
Singapore 048619

Click here to read our Whistleblowing Policy.

Anti-Corruption Policy

This sets out the responsibilities of the Group companies and of each employee in observing and upholding CDL’s position against all forms of corruption, bribery and extortion. The Anti-Corruption Policy also provides information and guidance to employees on how to recognise, address, resolve, avoid and prevent instances of corruption, bribery and extortion which may arise in the course of their work.

Click here to read the Anti-Corruption Policy.

Fraud Policy

The Fraud Policy provides guidance on actions which may constitute fraudulent conduct and highlights the importance of the implementation, maintenance and compliance with the internal controls framework of the Group and its policies and procedures.

Click here to read the Fraud Policy.

Competition Policy

The Competition Policy sets out CDL’s policy to compete fairly and ethically in the conduct of business in all of its markets, and in compliance with the competition laws which apply to the Group’s business activities. This policy seeks to educate and improve the knowledge and understanding of CDL’s employees on anti-competitive practices and acts of abuse of dominant position which are prohibited, and to provide direction and guidance to employees in their relationships and communications with competitors and customers.

Click here to read the Competition Policy.

Personal Data Policy

The purpose of the CDL Personal Data Policy is to inform you of how CDL manages personal data which is subject to the Singapore Personal Data Protection Act (No. 26 of 2012) (“the Act”). Please take a moment to read the CDL Personal Data Policy so that you know and understand the purposes for which we collect, use and disclose your personal data.

If you:

  1. have any questions, complaints or feedback relating to your Personal Data or our Personal Data Policy;
  2. would like to withdraw your consent to our use of your Personal Data as set out in our Personal Data Policy; or
  3. would like to obtain access and/or make corrections to your Personal Data records under our control or in our possession,

Please contact CDL as follows:

Email: [email protected]
Call: 6877 8228
Postal: Data Protection Officer
City Developments Limited
9 Raffles Place
#12-01 Republic Plaza
Singapore 048619

Extract of CDL’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

The Company and its Board of Directors are committed to conducting business with integrity and consistent with the highest standards of business ethics, and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulatory requirements. In line with this commitment, the Board has adopted this Code of Business Conduct and Ethics to set out the ethical values and business standards of the Company and to assist Company employees in resolving ethical questions that may arise in the course of their work for the Company.

Click here to read the extract of CDL’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics.

Biodiversity Policy

CDL recognises the potential impact developments might have on wildlife and habitat loss—including the importance of mitigating this impact. In 2020, we introduced the Biodiversity Policy to promote biodiversity protection and urban greenery across our operations. The policy complements Singapore’s “City in Nature” vision and takes reference from national frameworks, such as the new Biodiversity Impact Assessment (BIA) guidelines set by URA and NParks.

Click here to read our Biodiversity Policy.

Climate Change Policy

As the threats and impacts of climate change become increasingly unprecedented in scale, rapid, far-reaching transition to a new climate economy is required. As Singapore’s property pioneer and leading green developer, CDL recognises the crucial role it has to play in mitigating and adapting to the effects of climate change. At the core of our sustainability-centric vision is our ethos of “Conserving as We Construct” established since 1995 and our Future Value 2030 Sustainability Blueprint launched in 2017.

To help achieve the Paris Agreement global climate targets, CDL is dedicated to achieving low-carbon operations by setting a science-based target to reduce greenhouse gas intensity across Singapore operations by 59% from base-year 2007 by 2030. Recognising that a sizeable proportion of our carbon footprint lies outside our business operations and direct control, we actively engage our supply chain and stakeholders to mitigate climate impact and to encourage communities we operate in to make more low-carbon choices.

Click here to read our Climate Change Policy.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Policy

CDL Group is committed to ensuring a dignity-centred workplace where our employees are always mutually respected. We seek to address discrimination on all grounds, notably in gender identity, ethnicity, race, religion, age, disability, national origin, socio-economic status, familial/marital status, and sexual orientation by ensuring fairness in our employment practices, non-discrimination and fair compensation. Our Global DEI policy outlines CDL Group’s responsibility to embed DEI into our value chain, organisational culture and activities worldwide. We strive to ensure that these principles are understood, observed and adhered to by all employees as far as is reasonably practicable.

Click here to read our DEI Policy.

Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Policy

For over a decade, CDL has been advocating environmental sustainability in Singapore’s built environment. We make it our business to take concerted efforts towards preventing pollution on the environment and striving to apply environmentally-friendly practices in our operations.

To this end, the EHS Policy was established in 2003. This sets the strategic direction for all departments and employees towards creating a “Green & Safe” corporate culture, conserving resources and preventing pollution.

Click here to read our EHS Policy.

Green Building Policy

In 2020, CDL introduced the Green Building Policy to promote Smart, Sustainable and Super Low Energy (3S) buildings and building technology applications. Known as the 3S Green Building Framework, this framework is an expansion of our green procurement guidelines and is aligned with the new BCA Green Mark SLE Building requirements, as well as international standards for advancing health and well-being in buildings.

Click here to read our Green Building Policy.

Human Rights Policy

CDL believes in upholding fundamental principles of human and workplace rights in places where we operate. Since 2005, we have been a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact’s principles on Human Rights and Labour, and are guided by international human rights principles as derived from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Labour Organisation’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. Beyond our compliance to the local government’s policy and national legislation in protecting human rights, we are committed to respecting human rights in all aspects of our stakeholder engagement such as equitable employment practices, non-discrimination, fair welfare and compensation, as well as workplace health and safety within our developments.

Click here to read our Human Rights Policy.

Sustainable Investment Principles

CDL is focused on taking proactive action in assessing potential portfolio risks and opportunities for sustainable investment decisions via our Sustainable Investment Principles. The Principles are formulated in line with the Glasgow Climate Pact and aligned with global best practices laid out in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment, Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures, United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative and other relevant frameworks.

Click here to read our Sustainable Investment Principles.

Universal Design Policy

In line with our commitment to put users’ needs as a priority in the spaces we build, CDL instituted a company-wide Universal Design Policy since 2011. Endorsed by CDL’s top management, the policy exceeds the mandatory requirements specified in the Code of Barrier-Free Accessibility by BCA to create an inclusive built environment in Singapore that caters to the varied needs of the public. The policy also contributes to SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), which sets out to provide safe, accessible and green public spaces to every member of society.

Workplace Anti-Harassment and Anti-Bullying Policy

CDL is committed to maintaining a work environment that is safe from harassment for its employees. Every employee shall be treated with respect and dignity. No employee shall be subject to any physical, psychological, verbal or sexual abuse. Employees should be culturally sensitive, tolerant and respectful towards each other, taking into consideration the workplace environment and multi-culturalism. This policy extends to dealing with incidents involving external customers/ stakeholders who conduct themselves in a manner that constitutes harassment of the employees, within and beyond company premises.

Click here to read our Workplace Anti-Harassment and Anti-Bullying Policy.

ESG Commitments

CDL seeks to uphold fair and responsible practices and promote inclusivity along our value chain, by supporting the following best industry practices and ESG commitments.

Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Financing of Terrorism Policy In 2016, CDL introduced the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Financing of Terrorism Policy for our property business in line with Urban Redevelopment Authority’s guidance and the Monetary Authority of Singapore’s mission to mitigate the risk of Singapore being used as a platform by global criminals and terrorist organisations to launder illicit funds. The Policy provides guidelines and procedures for our frontline sales and compliance function to detect and report such criminal acts.
Board Diversity Pledge In 2015, CDL supported the Board Diversity Pledge initiated by the Singapore Institute of Directors and SGX-ST. By taking the Pledge, CDL commits to promote diversity as a key attribute of a well-functioning and effective Board. In 2017, the Board of CDL formally adopted the Board Diversity Policy, which sets out the policy and framework for promoting diversity on the Board.
Crisis Management Protocol In 2016, CDL validated our corporate crisis management protocol which includes incident escalation, operational response and crisis communication. The effort culminated in a crisis simulation exercise where Senior Management was put through a series of rigorous crisis scenario-based tests and a mock media conference and interview.

As of 1 February 2020, CDL has released a Group-wide Incident Escalation and Reporting Framework to facilitate structured reporting and management of all incidents with a potential financial, operational or reputational impact on the Group.

Employers’ Pledge of Fair Employment Practices CDL is a signatory of the Employers’ Pledge of Fair Employment Practices with the Tripartite Alliance for Fair Employment Practices (TAFEP). TAFEP works with employer organisations, unions and the Government to create awareness and facilitate the adoption of fair employment practices. The alliance is co-chaired by representing employer unions and National Trades Union Congress.
Ethical Marketing Practices Since 2000, we have developed a set of internal procedures and an operations manual for marketing and leasing. These are reviewed annually to reflect changes in marketing practices, technology, regulation, and stakeholder expectations. Marketing collaterals produced by CDL are compliant with the Singapore Code of Advertising Practice administered by the Advertising Standards Authority of Singapore, an Advisory Council to the Consumers Association of Singapore.

CDL’s marketing practices also comply with the Urban Redevelopment Authority’s Housing Developers Rules (HDR) and Building and Construction Authority’s (BCA) Guidelines for Outdoor Signs at our construction sites. The HDR seeks to enhance transparency in the real estate industry, enabling homebuyers to make better informed decisions when buying a home, while the BCA guidelines prohibit cross-marketing of other products and services.

Green Lease Partnership Programme To support our commercial tenants’ efforts to lower their carbon footprint, we implemented the Green Lease Partnership Programme in 2014. Since end 2019, 100% of existing tenants have pledged their commitment to go green by signing a Green Lease.
Green Procurement Specifications Reflecting our belief in more efficient use of resources, we have a set of Green Procurement Specifications for the selection of vendors and suppliers at our Corporate Office and across core business operations in Singapore. The guidelines include:

  • Sharing the corporate EHS Policy with new vendors and suppliers
  • Indicating preference for use of eco-friendly and recycled materials and products such as building materials with Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) and Health Product Declarations (HPD)
  • Indicating preference for ISO 14001 certified vendors
  • Declaring the use of eco-friendly and recycled paper in printed materials
Pledge for Zero –  A CEO Commitment Charter CDL is a founding signatory of the “Pledge for Zero – A CEO Commitment Charter”, launched at the inaugural Construction CEO Summit organised by the Workplace Safety and Health Council in 2008. CDL adopted the pledge and committed to establish a zero-injury workplace. In 2016, CDL reiterated our commitment towards Construction Industry WSH Action Plans by galvanising 24 of our key builders and consultants to sign the ‘Pledge Towards Vision Zero Through Safe Design – Safe Practices – Safe Culture’.
Singapore Stewardship Principles CDL is committed to upholding the highest standards of governance, integrity and sustainability in all our business activities. As a sustainability leader and proponent of responsible investing, we support the call for good governance and stewardship by investors as communicated in the Singapore Stewardship Principles.
Supplier Code of Conduct The Supplier Code of Conduct provides comprehensive guiding principles for our vendors and suppliers to comply with CDL’s expectations of ethical standards, covering the following areas:

  • Business integrity
  • Fair competition
  • Open communication
  • Conflict of interest
  • Gifts and entertainment
  • Environmental sustainability
  • Human and safety
  • Compliance with applicable laws, regulations and trade agreements
  • Human rights
  • Reciprocity

Click here to read our Supplier Code of Conduct.

Support for Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures CDL supports the voluntary disclosure recommendations of the industry-led Financial Stability Board (FSB) Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). As a sustainability pioneer and green building champion, CDL believes that climate change will have significant impacts across many sectors and regions. Businesses have an important role to play in ensuring transparency around climate-related risks and opportunities. The Recommendations will catalyse more reliable disclosure of information that will facilitate more informed businesses and investment decision-making. It will help support a smooth transition to a low-carbon economy. We encourage more businesses to support better climate-related financial disclosure.
Sustainable Employment Pledge Purposeful actions by companies will foster a vibrant economy and society through sustainable employment practices and encouraging innovation. CDL has taken the Sustainable Employment Pledge, an initiative by Singapore Business Federation, and has committed to make at least one improvement to our practices in sustainable employment every twelve months.
Sustainable Finance Framework Aligned with good practices, our Sustainable Finance Framework has embraced leading global frameworks including the Green Bond Principles, Green Loan Principles and Sustainability Linked Loan Principles. It demonstrates good governance of CDL’s sustainable financing and contributes to building sustainable and climate-resilient cities and communities. In 2022, it was revised to reflect CDL’s development on sustainability and climate action since it was first put together in 2019, to update the minimum requirement for BRREAM certification, as well as to expand the SDG Innovation Loan concept to include decarbonisation projects.

Click here to read our Sustainable Finance Framework.

Women’s Empowerment Principles We recognise the valuable contribution of our women employees to CDL’s business growth and sustainability leadership. With a workforce that is nearly 70% female, CDL is committed to empowering women in our workplace and supporting their pursuit for career and personal development. The Board and top management of CDL firmly believe that diversity and inclusion will strategically enhance a company’s human capital and performance for future growth. Our Group CEO joined over 1,600 leaders globally in pledging CDL’s support for the Women’s Empowerment Principles. Developed through a partnership between the UN Women and UNGC, the principles offer practical guidance to the private sector on how to empower women in the workplace, marketplace and community.

Contributions & Other Spending

Lobbying and political donations in Singapore are subject to very strict governmental regulations and stringent scrutiny.

As a company headquartered in Singapore, CDL Group has not made monetary contributions to any political campaigns, lobbyists, interest representation groups, or made any other spending to create or influence public policy in the past five years.

CDL Group’s total monetary contributions to trade associations or tax-exempt groups, including membership fees (round to the nearest thousand) are:

FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Total (SGD) $ 685,000.00 $ 729,000.00 $ 876,000.00 $ 1,082,000.00

The Group’s top 3 contributions to trade associations in terms of membership fees (round to the nearest thousand) are:

1. Millennium Hotel Broadway Times Square to Hotel Association of New York City – S$113,000.00
2. Urban Land Institute – S$67,000.00
3. Hotel Council Aotearoa – S$55,000.00